We're pleased to announce eCat version 2023.6, the final eCat update of 2023! This concludes a total of 22 new eCat releases this year - including 6 major feature releases and numerous performance and other improvements. In this latest version of eCat you'll discover powerful new ways to gain sales insights for guiding your customers to success, improvements to the Library notice board for more efficient team communication, and enhancements to eCat's showroom tag creator. Check it out! You can now...
- Display Territory Item Sales in the catalog
- View Territory Item Placements in the catalog
- Assign titles to eCat Notices and show publication dates
- Create larger barcode hang tags with a new 3”’w x 4”h (portrait) layout
- Print double the number of products in showroom label print batches
New Features to Expand Sales Insights
- eCat now displays Territory Item Sales. If your company uses the eCat Online sales portal or provides summary sales data, eCat displays a 'Show Territory Sales' button in the Settings menu when there is no customer selected. Toggle this button 'on' to display for each item in the catalog/grid view the aggregate total historical sales and current on-order quantities for all customers sent to your iPad. For sales reps this will usually be total sales per item for their territory. For corporate users who see all customers this usually represents total sales per item for the whole company. When a customer is selected, only sales numbers for the currently selected customer are shown, same as previous versions of eCat. A ‘showing territory data’ or ‘showing customer data’ alert displays at the top of the catalog to avoid confusion. Try combining these new features with standard eCat features and recently introduced sort and filter options to gain valuable insights for guiding customers to success, managing products, and much more!
- Show Placements’ has been upgraded similarly to the ‘show territory sales’ display setting. If your company uses eCat's placements feature to audit and manage static product displays in customer showrooms, the new ‘Show Customer Placements’ button in Settings displays the total number of placement locations for each item for your "territory" (defined by the customers sent to the iPad) along with the helpful reminder ‘showing territory data’ at the top of the catalog. For sales reps this will usually be total placement locations per item for their territory. For corporate users who see all customers this usually represents total placement locations per item for the whole company. When a customer is selected the data will reflect that specific customer’s placements just the same as it has previously.
Continued eCat Notice Improvements
- eCat version 2023.6 enables optionally assigning titles to Notices when creating them in the admin console. The eCat Library Notice Board has been reformatted to make notices easier to read and to display Notice dates and titles . If you haven't yet used this feature be sure to try it out. It's an easy way to quickly get information out to your eCat users!
Learn More: eCat Notices (Admin) | Knowledge Base
Showroom Tag Improvements
- eCat 2023.6 introduces a new Avery 5392 (portrait) tag layout to enable printing larger 3"w x 4"h barcode hang tags with your choice of up to 6 rows of information (24 separate fields) and your choice of QR, UPC or Code 128 barcode formats and barcode data source - same as the other formats.
- The number of showroom tags that can be generated and printed per batch has been doubled to 2,000 to save you time getting ready for market.
In addition to the above features, eCat 2023.6 also includes other speed, usability improvements and minor enhancements consistent with SuperCat's mission to provide a reliable experience and high-quality software solution
Upgrade to eCat 2023.6 Today!
Please encourage your team to upgrade to eCat 2023.6 today to kick off a successful 2024! We're here to help you get the most benefit from your investment in our services and support your success every step of the way. Let us know if we can help in any way!
And thanks for your feedback, ideas, and support - the source of much of our innovation. It's truly a privilege to serve you!
Wishing you all the best in the coming year,
- The SuperCat Team